Welcome to J and T Distributing where we are dedicated to customer satisfaction, its our number one goal. We are locally owned and

operated. We specialize in janitorial supplies, industrial cleaners, lubes, absorbant pads and soil remediation products and much more.

But wait there is more, we deliver quality for free "Let us be your legs"


We also have an open show room for all your cleaning needs,

from a large commercial job to the small home improvement project,

or maybe an automotive maintenance task you've been meaning to

do, we can help. Our showroom is open for walk-ins or quotes on

commercial jobs during normal business hours.

We do have a loading dock for your convience. You can buy a

gallon of degreaser or a drum. Or maybe you need windshield

washer fluid, a gallon or a 55 gallon drum. Call to schedule your


Products from Mag1, Doterra, Misty, Rose's, Cello and

many more, we think that you'll find just the thing you


So give us a call and let us fill all your cleaning product needs,

or come in and see us, were open;

Monday thru Thursday 8 am to 4 pm

Fridays 8 am to 12 pm.... Operators are standing by!